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the beauty at the bottom.

We serve in order to cultivate deep transformation in people, families, and communities.

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Servant Life

Loving People at the Bottom

Dao and Bpop, staff at The Well, explain their hearts for the broken.

Bpop and Dao have a ministry to those at the bottom, the ones Jesus says his sheep normally care for. Jim sat down to interview them about their heart for the people of Thailand.


Jesus and Bible

Practicing “The Most Excellent Way”

Service, Prayer, and the Pursuit of God’s Love

We all want to love well, but what happens when love gets complicated? Judy explores how to love even when faced with difficult choices. Drawing inspiration from the Bible, she shares what she has learned about loving others in God’s way.


News and Updates

Congratulations, Addy!

Anusorn Kotchakreng graduated with a Master’s in Christian Leadership from Wheaton College.

Anusorn Kotchakreng graduated with a Master’s in Christian Leadership from Wheaton College. Thank you for supporting future leaders in Thailand!


Church and Ministry

Jim Larson and Bill Warner are seated in Jim's home, with two microphones. They are looking at each other with thoughtful expressions.

Mentoring Youth

Interview with Bill Warner, Aurora Christian School

Several months ago, I reconnected with an old friend, Bill Warner, who agreed to record a conversation to introduce the idea of intentional mentoring to our friends and supporters.



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